God is so good!
Listen to some stories about how god is changing lives here at heartland.

July 21st, 2024
"Having that relationship with Christ really was the only thing that brought me any kind of peace..."...
June 17th, 2024
"Now I have this sense of joy and delight that we get to walk with a God who can do these things for us... We just have to ask."...
June 16th, 2024
"I thought it was too big for even God to get rid of or heal..."...
January 14th, 2024
"...He's got more in store for all of us. It's... it's exciting."...
Cassandra and Taylor
September 21st, 2023
"I feel like my prayers just feel more real... I could talk to Him more as a father instead of like a god... more barriers broken down, and just getting closer to Him."...
June 15th, 2023
"There's trauma, there's addictions, there's mental health, but just as much, if not more, I feel like it's a spiritual battle... We need people praying."...
June 1st, 2023
"I do believe that Satan tries to get us to keep secrets, and those secrets can be destructive. He wants us to feel like no one knows, no one cares and no one would understand, and it would be too shameful to tell."...
May 20th, 2023
"You never know what God will use to bring people to him. He's taken me, somebody who is usually timid and shy about sharing my faith. And I've been able to be bold in many different situations."...
March 23rd, 2023
"It just feels like He's just walking beside me all the time now. And, probably, I'm sure He always was, but maybe I'm just more aware of Him right there."...
February 26th, 2023
"...The biggest thing I'm learning through my whole life is 'Lord, I want more faith. Give me more faith.'"...
Roger and Dorothy
November 19th, 2022
"... the way you feel about your children, your grandchildren, the children who are in your lives, that's what we wish for Bulembu."...
October 11th, 2022
"I feel like God wants me to be there, and the seniors are such a blessing to me. They're so kind and thoughtful. And so I feel like what they bring to me is as much as what I bring to them over the years."...
Claudette and Reily
July 13th, 2022
"It's just a gift. It's just a gift from God."...