Serve with us!

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
-- 3 John 1:4

How can I serve in Heartland kids?

Each member of our team has a vital role is sharing the love of God with the children who attend weekends services at Heartland. Volunteers freely and joyfully give their time to offer children the opportunity to grow in their faith, build friendships and encourage a sense of belonging.
Check out the different roles below!

classroom volunteer

If you love interacting with kids, we have just the spot for you! Classroom volunteers engage with children at their level, facilitate participation, encourage children in building friendships and offer support during playtime, snack, crafts, and games. They teach Bible lessons and tidy the classroom at the end of the service. There is a high level of interaction with the children of our church, these volunteers are vital in sharing the love God has for each child during weekend services.

Weekly classroom reset

If helping behind the scenes is more your style, come in during office hours to clean toys and tidy classrooms or help prep activities and crafts. We are so thankful for those who make our classrooms welcoming for the weekend!

Point Person/Guest services

If you love meeting new people and like to keep things running smoothly in Heartland Kids, join us on our guest services team! The Point Person is responsible for ensuring safety in our hallways and to make certain classrooms have an appropriate adult to child ratio. They welcome families to Heartland Kids, answer questions, help new families sign their children into our system, and keep our sign in process running smoothly. They work closely with the Lead staff member to support the Classroom Teachers. They are the heroes of the hallways!    

Exceptionality classroom support

All children are welcome at Heartland, we are called to love and care for each other.  Sometimes this means extra support, either in the classroom or in our sensory room.
These volunteers provide children the opportunity to enjoy their time in Heartland Kids in a safe and supportive environment. We would love to have you join us as we meet a very real need!  
Why join our team? Check out the video below:

We love our team!

Want to join us? Get started by clicking the links below.