At Heartland, one of our great passions is to help men become all God created them to be. And we believe that when they do they will lead healthy families, build thriving churches, and strengthen their communities!

So what do we think men of God look like?

Heartland Men
reject passivity,
accept responsibility,
lead courageously
and expect the greater reward.

This is what our Men’s Ministry is all about. And while we have a long way to go, our desire is to see every Heartland man relationally connected with other men in some way; pursuing God in community is the BEST way to become all that God intended for us to be! Come join us on this great adventure!

And to receive our monthly Heartland Men email updates, please fill out this form and select YES to receiving Men's email updates.

Get Connected

Man in the Mirror

Looking for a place to meet other guys and get more connected at Heartland?  We’ve got a light breakfast, a 30-minute video study on men’s issues, and some great conversation.  Come when it works for your busy schedule, drop in when you can and leave when you need to.  All men are welcome anytime!  

Gear UP! Men's Daily Devotional

GEAR UP is a daily verse, thought and question that we hope will challenge and encourage you as you strive to live your faith in every part of your life. In less than a minute every morning, you might just change the trajectory of your entire day! It is written by Heartland Men, for Heartland Men.

You can subscribe to GEAR UP through our the Heartland App, under Settings -> Notifications. Be sure to have Notifications from the Heartland App allowed in your phone's settings.

Have questions or need help getting Gear Up? Email Pastor Greg at

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Greg Mulligan

Pastor of Men
Greg arrived at Heartland in early 2016, following 20 years of various pastoral roles in 4 other Alliance churches in Alberta and Saskatchewan. He began his time at Heartland as Pastor of Small Groups, then added Pastor of Men later that year, and in 2023 Greg stepped out of the Small Groups role and into the role of Executive Pastor, while still overseeing Men's Ministry. One of his greatest passions is to see people step out in faith and discover the potential God has created in them, and so working with men and leading our staff team provide great opportunities for him to do what he loves! Greg also really enjoys music, fishing, sports and games of all kinds, and is blessed to do life together with his best friend Debra, which they've been fortunate to do since 1991. But most of all, Greg is constantly overwhelmed with the depth of God's grace to him, and wants to live fully surrendered and completely devoted to Jesus.

Office:  780–467–7005