Fellowship Together: What is Best?

Oct 14, 2023    Pastor Kris

Fellowship in common identity in Christ

(Eph 4:4-6)


Fellowship through participation with Paul


Fellowship through a shared future hope of God, faithfully completing what He had begun in them



· Starts with loving in the right way

(1 Cor 13:4-8, 1 Jn 3:16)

· Continues through priorities

(Jn 17:20-23)

· Culminates as it bears good fruit which glorifies God and brings unity

in the Church

(Gal 5:22-23)

 How might God be inviting me to fellowship with other

believers through my daily habits and priorities?

· Would I sacrifice my time and energy to love them today?

· Will I remember others in prayer regularly throughout my day?

· Will I take time to prioritize fellowship through small group, serving, and doing life together with other believers?

· If there are needs around me, what is my response?

· Do I ask God about it and how He might desire me to join in meeting that need?

· Do I make an excuse about the busyness of my life, plead

ignorance, or try to avoid those in need?

· What are my priorities?

· Is there anything that should be removed?

· Is there anything that should be reordered?

· Is there anything that should be added and prioritized at the top of the list?