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Heaven Here Now

Apr 13, 2024    Pastor Craig

Four practices can help you focus on heaven here now:

STRIVE (vv 12-14)

ELIMINATE (vv 15-16)

QUESTION (vv 17-19)

INVITE (vv 20-21)


Lord Jesus, which of these four practices

do I need the most help with today?

When do you get most earthly minded?

When do you get most earthly minded?

Lord Jesus, we invite You to show us when we are most earthly minded …

Lord Jesus, we offer this to You now and ask that You would bring Your power to enable us to be more focused on heaven, especially when we are most tempted to be

focused on earthly things.

How are you trying to respond in your own earthly way?

Overwhelm, escapism, anger, anxiety?

Lord Jesus, please show us how we respond in an earthly way …

Lord Jesus, we give You our earthly responses and ask that You would meet us there and help us to experience heaven in those moments, transforming us according to Your love and power.